
Edit Instruction

Description: Edit the current instruction by typing a sequence of one or more instructions. Cutter will automatically fetch a preview of the bytes that are constructing the instruction.

Steps: Right-click on an instruction and choose Edit -> Instruction

Edit Bytes

Description: Edit the bytes of the current instruction by typing a sequence of bytes. Cutter will automatically disassemble a preview of the instructions that are create by the typed bytes.

Steps: Right-click on an instruction and choose Edit -> Bytes

NOP Instruction

Description: Fill the content of the instruction with NOP instructions. Cutter will fill the instructions with NOP as the length of the bytes constructing the instruction.

Steps: Right-click on an instruction and choose Edit -> Nop Instruction

Reverse Jump

Description: On conditional jumps, Cutter will detect the inverted conditional instruction and will replace it. For example, from je to jne.

Steps: Right-click on an instruction and choose Edit -> Reverse Jump